Memory and Attention Adaptation Training

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Cancer-related cognitive impairment (CRCI) may affect nearly half of all cancer survivors and can persist for years after completing cancer treatment. Memory and Attention Adaptation Training (MAAT) is a cognitive-behavioral therapy offering evidence-based, nonpharmacological treatment of this common survivorship condition. Organized into a session-by-session Clinician Manual and related Survivor Workbook, MAAT is conducted in 8 treatment visits and has been demonstrated effective when delivered through telehealth technology, so survivors can readily fit MAAT into their busy lives. The Survivor Workbook starts with a brief overview of what is understood about CRCI, common problems, and how MAAT helps. The introduction is followed by the 8 visits summarized in concise chapters that allow for easy review after the therapy visit. Thus, survivors with memory problems have a reliable source to turn to so that content of visits is not forgotten. Each visit consists of homework exercises with easy to follow forms.